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Fidel Castro: Cuba president as a world icon

He is instantly recognisable both from his appearance - the beard and the military fatigues - and from his first name alone: Fidel.

The name is expressed with affection by some, with hostility by others, but it calls up history for everyone.

The story of his life is very much the story of our times: revolutionary movements, the Cold War, East v West, North v South, communism v capitalism - except that most of the world has passed him by.

Fidel Castro has remained the same, a symbol of revolution, a communist who has survived the fall of communism.

Before surgery took him out of public view in July 2006, he inspired his followers with slogans and five-hour speeches.

Fidel's views continued to be made public though in the form of editorials and occasional TV appearances.

'Yankee imperialists'

Fidel maintained his rule with an iron grip, sending opponents to prison for years.

Throughout his leadership, he railed against the US, its economic and trade embargo and against the evils of free markets

Fidel has been praised for standing up for the oppressed of Latin America, for opposing the Yankee imperialist, for making Cuba into a more equal society than many, for developing Cuba's health service and sending doctors abroad to help others.

And it wasn't only doctors he sent abroad. He despatched troops to Angola and Ethiopia in support of fellow revolutionaries. His hand was seen in many a revolutionary movement in his own continent.

But he has also been condemned for intolerance, for keeping his people poor and for refusing to see the benefits of economic liberalisation that even the communists of China have embraced.

Fidel Castro stopped his people from leaving the island, leading them to risk their lives in rickety boats to try to get out.

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